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Nadia Gallo Nomination to OCPAQ Professional Inspection Committee

FL Fuller Landau LLP is proud to announce that our very own Nadia Gallo, CPA, CA has been appointed as a member of the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants of Quebec (OCPAQ) Professional Inspection Committee.

This committee is responsible for administering a rigorous professional inspection process, which includes inspecting the files of Order members, to ensure they adhere to the standards of the profession. When necessary, the committee or one of its members inspects the professional competence of a chartered professional accountant.

Nadia has over 20 years of experience in the field of accounting and audit assurance standards and their practical applications. In addition to carrying out review and quality control responsibilities within the firm, she is responsible for risk management and all professional training programs. She also leads the Audit and Accounting Assurance division’s professional standards team.

Nadia’s career has also included being a lecturer at McGill University, a lecturer for the OCPAQ and participating in the CFE marking process. Nadia is also currently a member of the Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) Technical Study Group at the OCPAQ.

Her combination of skills, competencies and experience most likely weighted in the balance to make her a candidate of choice, when came the time to appoint new members to the OCPAQ committee. Its members are also responsible for developing the general professional inspection supervision program for the practice of the profession of chartered professional accountant. This is therefore a testament to her professional rigour and understanding of the profession.

Congratulations Nadia!

P.S. If you are a chartered professional accountant in need of a sounding board or looking for help on a complex file, just let Nadia know.

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